Multimorbidity: does depression predict the onset of physical illness?


Lydia Poole reviews a recent Canadian study examining depression as a risk factor for physical illness and multimorbidity in a cohort with no prior comorbidity.

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Collaborative care for depression and physical multimorbidity: clinically and cost-effective over the long term


Gemma Shields summarises the findings of a cluster RCT looking at the long-term clinical and cost-effectiveness of collaborative care (versus usual care) for people with mental-physical multimorbidity.

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NICE one? Is NHS guidance on substance misuse fit for purpose?


Ian Hamilton explains why the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence have missed a trick by not updating their 2007 guidance on psychosocial interventions for substance misuse.

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Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration


Kirsten Lawson explores the benefits of working across professional and therapeutic boundaries, highlighted beautifully by the recent COINCIDE RCT of collaborative care for patients with depression comorbid with diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

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NICE multimorbidity guidance almost excluded people with learning disabilities

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The NICE scoping guidelines on multimorbidity now thankfully include people with learning disabilities. However, the original scoping draft specifically excluded them, despite NHS England and the Department of Health commenting on the first draft.

Here, Pauline Heslop, one of the authors of the Confidential Inquiry report and a key campaigner to get people with learning disabilities included in the scope, talks about some the issues this raises.

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