Small trial suggests limited short-term benefit from 0.1% pilocarpine mouthwash for xerostomia


Xerostomia is a subjective sensation of dry mouth, this is a common symptom particularly in older adults and has a variety of causes. Pilocarpine is a cholinergic agonist that non-selectively binds to muscarinic receptors in smooth muscles in the gastrointestinal, urinary and pulmonary systems and stimulates the production of secretions from the salivary and sweat [read the full story…]

Trial suggests that post extraction use of warm saline mouth rinse reduces complications


The use of warm salt water mouthrinses as part of a post extraction regimen is a commonly taught, yet as the authors of this trial found there seems to be little objective evidence for its effectiveness.  The aim of this study was to determine the beneficial effect of different warm saline rinse regimens on the [read the full story…]

Chlorhexidine reduces plaque and inflammation but causes staining – new ADA-EBD critical summary

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The latest ADA-EBD critical summary looks at a  2012 systematic review by Van Strydonck et al which looked at the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthrinse against plaque growth, gingival inflammation as well as the degree of staining.  We have blogged about this review earlier (Dental Elf – 21st Sept 2012) As this new  appraisal highlights, [read the full story…]

Review suggests good reductions in plaque levels and gingivitis with chlorhexidine mouthwash in addition to oral hygiene measures

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Chlorhexidine (CHX) has been used as a mouthwash for many years. The aim of this review was to assess, the effectiveness of Chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthrinse against plaque growth, gingival inflammation as well as the degree of staining. Three databases were searched Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Central), reference lists of [read the full story…]

0.2% chlorhexidine mouthrinse gave slightly better plaque reduction than 0.12% mouthrinse

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In 2010 Berchier et al  reviewed the efficacy of two different concentrations of  chlorhexidine mouthrinse ( 0.2 & 0.12% ).  A critical appraisal of this review is now available on the American Dental Associations Evidence-based Dentistry website. The commentator notes that a comprehensive search strategy was used although restricted to the English language. Eight studies [read the full story…]

Using a mouthwash may have a beneficial effect on bad breath


Halitosis is an unpleasant odour that emanates from the oral cavity and can be serious enough to cause personal embarrassment.  The prevalence of halitosis (bad breath or oral malodour) has been reported to be in the order of 50% although this has been questioned. The majority of cases (86%) are considered to be as a [read the full story…]

Mouth care and ventilator-associated pneumonia

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For critically  ill patients  receiving mechanical ventilation, ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a life threatening condition. Incidence rates varies and mortality rates can be as high as 50% . The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects brushing teeth twice daily with purified water on VAP rates and oral health or hygiene in postneurosurgical, [read the full story…]

Improvements in dry mouth seen with night guard and/or BET containing mouthwash


Xerostomia is a common condition that affects many adults. It is frequently caused by autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis or as a result of drug-related side effects. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of an intraoral device and a Betaine (BET) containing mouthwash in [read the full story…]