Traumatic brain injury has long-lasting mental health effects, but we need more robust science


Lorna Collins considers an umbrella review of health outcomes following traumatic brain injury, which highlights significant evidence gaps in the field.

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Ethnic disparities in suicide mortality: what’s going on?


Pauline Rivart summarises a national cohort study of ethnicity and suicide in England and Wales, which presents a “paradoxical finding of a lower rate of suicide in almost all minority ethnic groups compared with the White British majority”.

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Early intervention for psychosis: better outcomes in the short term?


Emanuele Osimo blogs about the 20-year follow up of the OPUS trial, which tested early intervention services for people with first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

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Many causes of death among people with bipolar disorder are potentially preventable

abstract art piece with red, orange, yellow, black and white paint

Anneka Tomlinson and Andrea Cipriani from the University of Oxford co-write this important blog on causes of mortality among those with bipolar disorder, highlighting the importance of suicide prevention across age groups.

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Smoking and bipolar disorder: the physical and mental health impact of tobacco cessation

a pile of orange cigarette butts in ash

Hannah Walsh explores the clinical and research implications of this French cohort study on bipolar disorder and smoking status, and how risks differ for current, former and never smokers.

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Minimum unit pricing policy for alcohol saved lives in Scotland according to new research


Ian Hamilton reviews a new controlled interrupted time series study published in The Lancet evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing on deaths and hospitalisations in Scotland.

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Severe mental illness and comorbid chronic physical illness: the clock’s ticking


In her debut blog, Jodie Ferris summarises a recent cohort study on the temporal relationship between severe mental illness diagnosis and chronic physical comorbidity in the UK, which contains important findings for care and future research.

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The global burden of disease from mental disorders remains high


Alejandro Arguelles Bullon summarises the latest Global Burden of Disease study (2019) looking at the prevalence, incidence and impact that mental disorders have on our lives, which shows no reduction in the burden over the last 30 years.

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COVID-19 increased depression and anxiety disorders by >25% during 2020


Dona Matthews summarises a recent study in The Lancet which estimates that worldwide COVID-19 increased depression and anxiety disorders by more than 25% in 2020.

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Ventilator-associated pneumonia: Does toothbrushing with chlorhexidine reduce risk?


This review of the effect of toothbrushing and chlorhexidine on the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients on mechanical ventilation included 7 RCTs. The findings showed that toothbrushing and chlorhexidine reduced VAP,length of stay and duration of ventilation. However the findings should be interpreted cautiously because of study quality.

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