This review of the effect of surgical root coverage (RC) on dentine hypersensitivity (DH) associated with gingival recession included 13 RCTs. The findings suggest that RC techniques are associated with a reduction in DH a majority of the included studies were small and DH was only a secondary outcome.
[read the full story...]Gingival recession: Stability of root coverage procedures for single gingival recessions
This review evaluating the long-term (≥2 years) stability of root coverage procedures for single gingival recessions included 15 RCTs. the findings suggest that coronally advanced flap (CAF) may lose stability with time while CAF + connective tissue graft may produce a more stable result. However, the quality of the evidence is low.
[read the full story...]Gingival recession: root surface modifiers did not improve surgical outcomes
Six small randomised controlled trials were found for this review assessing the use of root surface modifiers to improve the outcome of gingival recession surgery. None of the agents evaluated were seen to be of benefit.
[read the full story...]Periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions
This review of periodontal surgery for multiple gingival recessions includes 9 small RCTs with relatively short follow up periods and suggests that the percentage root coverage can be improved although complete root coverage was more variable.
[read the full story...]