How do life events impact upon therapeutic work with children and young people? #MHED2018


Terry Hanley explores a recent systematic review of life events, socioeconomic deprivation, and their impact on counselling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents.

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The economic impact of bullying #MHED2018


João Santos reports on a recent study that explores the long term economic impact associated with childhood bullying victimisation.

Follow #MHED2018 today on Twitter to hear more about this research from one of the authors Louise Arseneault

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The case for social-emotional competence: essential skills for school and life? #MHED2018


Michael Wigelsworth summarises a review by Celene Domitrovich on social-emotional competence, which she describes as an essential factor in promoting positive adjustment and reducing risk in children.

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Cyberbullying research: what do we really know? #MHED2018


Neil Humphrey kicks off #MHED2018 week here on the Mental Elf with a blog exploring some of the problems with cyberbullying research.

We’ll be blogging about youth mental health research all week and live tweeting from #MHED2018 on Thursday and Friday.

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