Working on the edge: the therapeutic alliance in suicide prevention


Laura Melzer considers a qualitative review of client and therapist perspectives on the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy for suicidal feelings.

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Exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harm: the importance of the therapeutic alliance


Hannah Wallace summarises a systematic review exploring people’s experiences of psychotherapy for self-harming behaviours, which highlights the importance of therapeutic rapport and the clinical competencies that support developing a good relationship between clinicians and service users.

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Group physical activity for people with severe mental illness: from inactivity to engagement


A group of MSc Clinical Mental Health Sciences students at UCL Psychiatry summarise a systematic review on the experience of initiating community-based group physical activity by people with serious mental illness.

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Emotional distress in dementia: qualitative systematic review


Hilary Shepherd examines a qualitative systematic review that aimed to present all available descriptions of emotional distress and explanations for emotional distress experienced by people with dementia, articulated personally and by others.

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Peer support for perinatal mental illness: what makes a peer?


Lucy Simons reports on a meta-ethnography that explores what facilitates peer support for perinatal mental illness. Her key finding from appraising the review is that women who experience perinatal mental illness need support from the right sort of peer (i.e. women who have had mental distress in the context of motherhood) to make the relationship beneficial and to aid recovery.

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