Online support more helpful for youth anxiety than depression, according to recent review


In her debut blog, Laura Hankey summarises findings from a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of internet-based interventions for depression and anxiety in children and young people.

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Is cognitive behavioural therapy the best we’ve got for depression?


Camilla Babbage and Maria Loades summarise the largest meta-analysis to date on the effectiveness of CBT for depression.

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Barriers to help-seeking for eating disorders: which factors impact early intervention?


Lucy Hyam summarises a recent systematic review which looks at pathways to improve early intervention for eating disorders.

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Adolescent depression is not the same as adult depression: new systematic review focuses on adolescents’ lived experiences

How are we currently supporting adolescents presenting with depression in clinical practice? Are we tailoring our approach, or are we treating them like mini adults?

Nina Higson-Sweeney reflects on the findings of a recent systematic review looking at the lived experience of adolescent depression, which has important implications for anyone supporting young people at risk of depression.

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Physical activity can help anxious young people, but can it treat youth anxiety?


In her debut blog, Francesca Zecchinato explores a recent systematic review which finds that physical activity may help address anxiety symptoms in children and young people, but more research is needed to confirm it is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety disorders.

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Improving our understanding of the links between loneliness and mental health problems


Zuva Dengu summaries a review of longitudinal studies investigating the relationship between loneliness and new onset of mental health problems in the general population.

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1 in 5 pre-school aged children develop PTSD symptoms following trauma exposure. Why are we still neglecting these children?

Shy boy

In her debut blog, Mira Vasileva summarises a systematic review which suggests that the pooled prevalence of PTSD in pre-school children who have been exposed to trauma was 21.5%.

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Do different groups of people with schizophrenia respond differently to different antipsychotics?


Murtada Alsaif considers a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Lancet Psychiatry exploring the response of different subgroups of patients with schizophrenia to different antipsychotic drugs.

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Can brain scans tell us how successful CBT for anxiety will be? Meta-analysis of task-based fMRI studies shows promise


Millie Lowther, Isabel Luetkenherm, Carlos Mena and Alexandra Pike summarise a recent fMRI meta-analysis, which finds that activation in brain circuits related to salience, interoception and emotional processing were found to predict a positive response to CBT in anxiety disorders.

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Having a sense of purpose is associated with reduced loneliness


Heather McClelland explores a meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal data, which found a strong association between having a sense of purpose in life and reduced feelings of loneliness.

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