Age at onset of mental disorders: global meta-analysis provides data for targeting effective interventions


Dona Matthews summarises a comprehensive global meta-analysis that presents our best current knowledge on the age of onset of various mental disorders. This review has major implications for our mental health promotion and prevention efforts.

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Living with mental health problems during COVID-19: how does it feel?


In her debut blog, Anjana Greedharee reviews a co-produced, participatory qualitative study on the experiences of living with mental health problems 
during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

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Mental disorders start early and vary across the lifespan: it’s time to pay attention to the whole person, and less to the diagnosis #IoPPNfestival


In her debut blog, Dona Matthews reviews a longitudinal cohort study by Caspi and Moffitt which explores how mental disorders and comorbidities have affected over one thousand people in New Zealand across four decades.

This Dunedin birth cohort study research will be presented by Prof Terrie Moffitt at the #IoPPNfestival later today.

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Managing demand for social care among adults with intellectual disabilities


It is clear that adult social care in the United Kingdom (UK), as in many other countries, faces serious challenges, most simply summarised as rising demand from demographic changes and greater pressure on available resources. The interventions to address this will need to be at all levels (national policy and legislation, managing local systems and in individual [read the full story…]

Trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers

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Penelope Zoe Stavrou summarises a recent qualitative study exploring UK trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers and their access to support services.

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The rapid increase in global mental illness: fake news?


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a systematic review and meta-analysis examining if the global prevalence rate of adult mental illness is increasing.

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Mental health research funding: we are still not getting our fair share


Louise Arseneault writes her debut elf blog on a new report published today by MQ Transforming Mental Health, which finds disparity between physical health and mental health research funding.

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Social care research and mental health: what lessons can be shared on #WorldMentalHealthDay2018?

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Mike Clark considers what the fields of social care research and mental heatlh have to share and learn from one-another on #WorldMentalHealthDay.

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Digital inclusion: mental health technologies for people with learning disabilities #DigiMHweek


Leen Vereenooghe summarises a recent review paper that presents the state of the evidence and future directions for digital mental health and people with intellectual disabilities.

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Has Time to Change made it time to talk?


Aileen O’Brien publishes her debut blog on a recent study that explored the relationship between anti-stigma programme awareness, disclosure comfort and intended help-seeking regarding a mental health problem.

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