SMS text messaging interventions for healthy behaviour change


Olivia Maynard presents a recent meta-analysis that finds that SMS text interventions have a positive, albeit small, effect on healthy behaviour change.

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What about stretch intensity and position?


Lesley Dawson considers a systematic review, which investigates how stretch intensity and body position may impact and influence the soft and connective tissue.

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Social media and suicide prevention


Claire Niedzwiedz summarises a recent systematic review that provides a narrative synthesis of research into social media and suicide prevention.

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Can psychotherapy reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence of depression?


Sarah McDonald appraises a new systematic review that asks if psychological interventions can prevent relapse in adults who have recovered from depression.

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“Admission to a secure unit is an opportunity to reduce smoking” says guidance

A stubbed out cigarette

In this blog, Caroline De Brún and André Tomlin look at new guidance from Public Health England, to help commissioners and service providers instigate smoking cessation programmes and smoke-free secure mental health units.

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Psychotherapy can reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence of depression


Raluca Lucacel summarises a meta-analysis of psychological interventions in preventing recurrence of depression, which includes trials on cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

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Does smoking predispose to rotator cuff pathology and shoulder dysfunction?


In this blog, Lesley Dawson considers a systematic review, which explores the link between smoking and rotator cuff pathology and shoulder dysfunction.

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Preventative healthcare – understanding uptake and barriers for people with learning disabilities

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We know that people with learning disabilities experience poor health and unequal access to healthcare but what about access to preventative healthcare measures?

Here, in her debut blog, Angela Henderson looks at a Canadian study, which looked at matched groups of people with and without learning disabilities to look at rates of uptake of regular health checks and participation in cancer screening as indicators of preventative healthcare.

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Novel commissioning of NHS stop smoking services

Person breaking a cigarette in half

Caroline De Brun presents the results of a study looking at commissioning policies which support payment incentives to improve care and encourage innovation. This research examines the impact of the novel commissioning of NHS stop smoking services.

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