What influences physical and mental health-related quality of life for LGBT older people?


Sarah Carr explores a US study on what is associated with physical and mental health-related quality of life for older LGBT people.

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New ways to engage with research evidence: 6 top tips for #NPNR2015

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André Tomlin presents his 6 top tips for engaging with research evidence, taken from his #NPNR15 talk at the 21st International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research conference taking place in Manchester on 17-18 September 2015.

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Why does area deprivation affect people with learning disabilities and mental ill-health more than people without learning disabilities?


Mental health problems are common in the population of people with learning disabilities. Previous research has also found a strong association between social deprivation and mental health problems.

Here, Leen Vereenooghe looks at a study, which sets out to look at what impact living in deprived areas might have on people with learning disabilities accessing community psychiatric services.

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Mental health needs of people with learning disabilities – are mental health nurses prepared?

Working directly with people with learning disabilities during medical training can improve knowledge of specific issues and attitudes in health care professionals

The mental health needs of people with learning disabilities may be overlooked.

In this blog, Paula Hopes looks at review of literature, which sets out to discover how prepared mental health nurses are to respond to these needs.

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Cognitive or behavioural components in group therapy for people with mild learning disabilities and depression?

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There is a growing evidence base that with the right modifications, people with learning disabilities can benefit from cognitive behavioural approaches to treating depression.

Here, Rose Tomlins looks at a study which looked at the impact of cognitive, behavioural or joint strategies.

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High cost placements for people with learning disabilities and complex and challenging needs

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People with learning disabilities who have complex and challenging needs may find themselves placed in specialist services, sometimes distant from family and local support networks, often at high cost to the commissioners.

Here Ruth Northway looks at the findings of a survey of commissioning teams in south east England reporting on the nature and costs of such placements.

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“Admission to a secure unit is an opportunity to reduce smoking” says guidance

A stubbed out cigarette

In this blog, Caroline De Brún and André Tomlin look at new guidance from Public Health England, to help commissioners and service providers instigate smoking cessation programmes and smoke-free secure mental health units.

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Beyond diagnosis: Trans-diagnostic CBT for people with learning disabilities

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Trans-diagnostic treatment refers to an approach whereby the same underlying treatment principles are applied across diagnoses.

Here, Michelle Gregory looks at a pilot trial of trans-diagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy for a small group of people with mild learning disabilities who were in-patients in receipt of treatment for emotional difficulties.

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Measuring concepts of dementia in UK Asian communities


Caroline Struthers critically analyses research on a tool to capture understandings of dementia in UK South Asian communities and wonders about the application of the study to social care practice.

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Understanding depressive symptoms in adults with mild intellectual disability


Whilst rates vary in the literature, depression is probably more common in people with learning disabilities than in the general population, though it can be easily missed.

Here Louise Phillips looks at a study which set out to look at differences between self-report and carers’ descriptions of depressive symptoms.

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