Climate change and mental health: what do we know, and what don’t we know?


Peter Coventry examines a big new umbrella review which signals the need for robust assessment and quantification of the mental health impacts of climate change.

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A human rights approach to integrating HIV and substance misuse services


Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou summarise a recent paper on integrating HIV and substance misuse services, which draws on a person-centred approach that is grounded in human rights.

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A map of England’s community mental health interventions: are we meeting people’s needs?


In her debut blog, Elena Opie considers a study that aimed to map community mental health interventions related to policy and practice for improving adult mental health in England.

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Just one shot at it: single session interventions for adolescent depression


Maria Loades and Georgia Herring consider a randomised trial of online single-session interventions for adolescent depression during COVID-19.

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The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health #IPVmentalhealth

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Rachel Milligan summarises the recently published Lancet Psychiatry Commission on Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health, which establishes a roadmap for strengthening responses across mental health services, research, and policy.

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Dental students, Depression and Covid-19

Medical students are less likely to seek professional support despite higher levels of mental illness. 

In this blog Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at two recent systematic reviews relating to depression in dental students. One review looked at levels of depression before the covid pandemic and one investigates depression during the pandemic.

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Living with mental health problems during COVID-19: how does it feel?


In her debut blog, Anjana Greedharee reviews a co-produced, participatory qualitative study on the experiences of living with mental health problems 
during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.

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LSD: can psychedelics treat mental illness?


Anya Borissova summarises a recent systematic review which brings together all of the randomised controlled trials of LSD as a treatment for mental illnesses, including alcohol and heroin dependency, depression and anxiety.

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“I mean, what is depression?” How GPs distinguish between emotional distress and depressive disorder


Linda Gask reviews a recent qualitative exploration of UK general practitioners’ perceptions of distinctions between emotional distress and depression.

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