Penelope Stavrou summarises a recent study on mental health services for medical students, which evaluates a clinical student mental health service in Cambridge.
[read the full story...]Penelope Stavrou summarises a recent study on mental health services for medical students, which evaluates a clinical student mental health service in Cambridge.
[read the full story...]David Gunnell writes his debut elf blog on a recent review of population-based approaches to mental health. He calls for joined-up strategies across Government Departments to prevent mental illness and improve population mental health.
[read the full story...]Maria Giorgalli summarises a recent review on the use of digital technology to improve mental health services, based on the healthcare systems of Australia and the USA.
[read the full story...]Andy Bell reviews NHS England’s recently published Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults, which sets out the changes it expects to see in community mental health services over the next five years.
[read the full story...]Sally McManus writes her debut elf blog on a recent national cohort study of multiple adverse outcomes following first discharge from psychiatric care, which finds that mental health inpatients are more likely to experience all types of adversity after leaving hospital.
[read the full story...]Bethany Gill helps us prepare for the #MentalHealthCarers event by summarising a service evaluation of a peer-led psychoeducation programme which aims to improve mental health carers well-being, reduce burden and enrich empowerment.
[read the full story...]Krysia Canvin helps us prepare for the #BCTcompare event on Wed 5th June by blogging about a recent study, which looks at the outcome of a restraint reduction programme (‘REsTRAIN YOURSELF’) to minimise the use of physical restraint in acute mental health services.
[read the full story...]A group of UCL Masters Students summarise a recent paper on ethnic differences in referral routes to child and adolescent mental health services.
[read the full story...]LucÍa Almazán Sánchez and Derek Tracy appraise a new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry on continuity of care and clinical outcomes in the community for people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Trauma survivors and mental health academics, Angela Sweeney and Danny Taggart take a serious look at the potential and risks for trauma-informed approaches as they are introduced into mainstream mental health systems and services.
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