Recovery under close observation – three decades on

View up and enclosed tunnel with a slow sign painted on the ground.

Recovery has been a driver for policy and practice for thirty years, but this observational study leaves questions about how embedded it really is.

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Suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives: urgent attention needed according to new systematic review


Ben Hannigan summarises a recent systematic review exploring the prevalence, risk factors and interventions for suicide and self-harm in nurses and midwives.

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Managers perspectives on the social worker role in community mental health teams: valued, challenged and hard to define


In his debut blog, Robbie Fraser reviews findings from a staff survey stating that the role of a social worker in community mental health teams is valued, but hard to define.

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Acute hospital wards: caring for people with mental health problems


Kate Chartres summarises a recent qualitative study that provides a greater understanding of the experience of delivering care to people with mental health problems in an acute hospital.

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#WalesMHN17 poster competition: vote for best practice in mental health nursing


Today we’re bringing you a virtual poster trail for the inaugural All Wales Senior Nurse Advisory Group mental health nursing conference 2017. Please take a look at the posters on display and vote for your favourite!

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