Community treatment orders and personalisation: an unresolvable paradox?


Ian Cummins explores new research about community treatment orders and the paradox of personalisation under compulsion.

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Black patients’ first contact with mental health services is more likely to be coercive


It is well documented that there are differences in how patients are treated, depending on their ethnicity. Previous inquiries in the UK have suggested that the NHS is institutionally racist (Blofeld et al, 2003). Some groups, for example those from African Caribbean or Aboriginal descent, experience more coercive care and poor outcomes, including higher doses of [read the full story…]

Number of people held under the Mental Health Act rises by 5%

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New figures from the NHS Information Centre show that the number of people held in detention under the Mental Health Act at 31st March 2011 increased by 5%, from 19,947 in 2009/10 to 20,938 in 2010/11. This is despite the number of formal admissions for treatment and new Community Treatment Orders having fallen since the [read the full story…]

Transferring children and young people from custody to hospital under the Mental Health Act: new guidance from the Department of Health

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This new best practice guidance from the Department of Health details the procedure for transferring to and from hospital (under the Mental Health Act 1983 in England) any child or young person who is: detained in custody in pursuance of any sentence or order for detention (by a court in criminal proceedings); or remanded in custody [read the full story…]

The most useful pieces of UK legislation for mental health practitioners


Here is a website to bookmark if you have any interest in mental health law and the various pieces of legislation that practitioners need to refer to on a regular basis. The Mental Health Law Online website has detailed sections on the three most important acts: Mental Health Act 2007 Mental Health Act 1983 Mental [read the full story…]