Updated review of experiences of compulsory treatment builds the case for legal reform to be grounded in lived experiences


Jill Stavert summarises a recent qualitative meta-synthesis of service users’ and carers’ experiences of assessment and involuntary hospital admissions under mental health legislations.

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From subject to cause: can patients’ circumstances predict the use of coercion in psychiatric hospital admissions?


Nima Cas Hunt explores a recent research study carried out at a mental health hospital in Switzerland, which tries to predict coercion during the course of psychiatric hospitalisations.

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Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention


Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).

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Waiting for the verdict: service user experiences of Mental Health Act assessment


Elena Opie considers a qualitative study exploring the experiences of vulnerable individuals being assessed under the Mental Health Act.

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First-responders lack training on how to support people in mental health crisis

Emergency siren icon in flat style. Police alarm vector illustration on white isolated background. Medical alert business concept.

Amelia Talbot summarises a new qualitative systematic review exploring first responders’ experiences of providing support to people during a mental health crisis.

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Involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation in children and young people: who is at higher risk?


Alice Wickersham summarises a recent review exploring the clinical and social factors associated with involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation. The review finds that intellectual disability, psychosis, risk of harm to self and/or others, Black ethnicity, and older adolescence were strong predictors of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalisation in children and young people.

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Place of safety in psychiatry: mental health staff perspectives


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent mixed-methods study on mental health staff experiences of occupational wellbeing in a psychiatric place of safety service.

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‘The Expert’ and ‘The Patient’: analysing Parliamentary debates on the 2007 Mental Health Act


Alison Faulkner writes about a discourse analysis of the House of Commons’ debates regarding the 2007 Mental Health Act, which is very relevant to the current White Paper consultation on the Reform of the Mental Health Act.

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The experiences of ambulance workers and paramedics implementing the Mental Health Act


Charlotte Steel and Camilla Biggs review a qualitative study on emergency workers’ experiences of the use of section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

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Coercion in psychiatry: do interventions to reduce coercive practice work?


John Baker reviews a recent umbrella review of randomised controlled trials on the efficacy of interventions to reduce coercion in mental health services.

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