Prevalence of middle mesial canal in mandibular molars


This review to determine the prevalence of middle mesial canal (MMC) in mandibular molars using cone beam computed tomography included 34 studies. THTe findings suggest a MMC prevalence of 4.4% (95%Cl: 3.5% to 5.3%) in first permanent molars and 1.3% (95%Cl: 0.08% to 1.8%) in second permanent molars.

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Mandibular implant-supported overdentures–attachment systems

Overdenture - ball attachments

This review of the effectiveness of different attachment systems for complete edentulous mandibular Implant-supported overdentures included 25 RCTs . The findings suggest no significant differences between attachment systems.

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Mandibular overdentures – stud or ball retained?


This review of the clinical performance and self-reported patient outcomes of ball and stud attachments as mandibular overdenture retainers included 17 studies. While greater patient satisfaction was seen with the stud type almost all of the included studies were considered to be at high risk of bias so the findingas should be interpreted cautiously.

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Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances – How long does it take?

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This review of the the treatment duration required to achieve whole-arch alignment of the mandibular dentition using fixed appliances included 35 RCTs. The pooled duration for whole-arch alignment in the mandible was 263.0 days/8.8 months (95%CI: 6.2 to11.3 months). Mandibular incisor alignment was achieved in 100.7 days/3.4 months (95%CI: 2.8 to 3.9 months).

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Platelet-rich fibrin and third molar post extraction problems


This review of the effectiveness of leukocyte-and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) and advanced-platelet-rich fibrin (A-PRF) in mandibular third molar extraction included 10 RCTs. While the findings suggest some benefits the studies are small and limited in number so the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Overdentures: Single implant retention

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This review of the the survival and complication rates of single implant retained mandibular overdentures included 17 studies (9 RCTs). While the findings suggest they are effective the available studies are small with only 3 providing follow-up of longer than two years.

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Overdentures: The effect of attachment systems on clinical performance

Overdenture - ball attachments

This review of the behaviour of overdentures supported by bar and clip or ball and O-ring attachments included 17 studies. The findings suggest no differences between the two sustems.

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Implant overdentures: effectiveness of attachment systems


6 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of attachment systems for implant overdentures. The included studies provide insufficient evidence of relative effectiveness of prosthodontic success, prosthodontic maintenance, patient satisfaction, patient preference or costs.

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Recurrent mandibular dislocation –which surgical approach?


This review of surgical treatments for the management of recurrent mandibular dislocation included 23 case series. Only one of the case series was prospective and a majority lacked clarity on their pro / retrospective status providing only very low quality evidence.

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Mandibular overdentures and impact on oral health


This review assessed patient satisfaction with mandibular implant overdentures using the Oral Health Impact Profile. Only 5 RCTs were included and findings suggest that implant supported overdentures perform better than conventional dentures.

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