Frailty predicting care intensity in older people with learning disabilities?


In this blog, Rose Tomlins considers a study which explores the use of the Frailty Index to predict increased intensity of care for older adults with learning disabilities.

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Around one in five suicides across the world linked to unemployment


Claire Niedzwiedz summarises the Lancet Psychiatry longitudinal modelling study of suicide and unemployment, which uses the WHO mortality database to investigate suicides in 63 countries worldwide from 2000-2011.

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Are we jumping to conclusions in our understanding of psychosis?


Andrés Fonseca appraises a longitudinal study in people at high risk of psychosis, which looks at misattributing speech and jumping to conclusions.

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Homelessness and mental illness in children and young people


This study explores the prevalence of psychiatric disorder and comorbidity among a UK sample of young people with experience of homelessness. It finds an extremely high prevalence of mental illness, combined with low levels of mental health service use.

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Review finds weak link between cannabis use and increased risk of developing depression


Cannabis is the second most commonly used recreational drug, after alcohol, in the UK. The number of regular users has risen considerably over the past decade, and this has been particularly apparent in the adolescent population. With this rise there have been concerns about the long term consequences of heavy cannabis use. Cannabis use has [read the full story…]

Women who experience domestic violence are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression and vice versa


In June this year The World Health Organisation (WHO) published a report, which highlighted violence against women as a ‘global health problem of epidemic proportions’. The report detailed the impact of violence on the physical and mental health of women and girls. This can range from broken bones to pregnancy-related complications, mental problems and impaired [read the full story…]

Training for family carers can be useful part of PBS interventions

Flipchart men

Positive behavioural support (PBS) recognises the importance of understanding the basis of why someone is exhibiting a behaviour that is challenging, and that there is a need to consider both proactive and reactive strategies in developing interventions. There has been a good deal reported in the literature about the training needs of paid carers in this [read the full story…]

Predictors of quality of life in children with learning disabilities found in social and emotional well being of parents


There is now a good body of literature concerned with the quality of life of people with learning disabilities and a number of practical approaches available to consider its measurement (for example personal outcome measures  and the Quality Network) The research has identified five domains of quality of life: material well-being, development and activity, physical [read the full story…]

Cannabis use reduces thalamic volume in people at risk of schizophrenia

Adult Bum Lighting a Spliff

Using cannabis can lead to a loss of brain volume in people who are at risk of developing schizophrenia, according to a study published in the November issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. The finding by researchers from the University of Edinburgh could be important in understanding more fully the link between cannabis use [read the full story…]