How has the hostile environment policy worsened the mental health of people from minoritised ethnic groups?

LONDON, UK -20 MAY 2017- Sign for the UK Border at London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).  The UK and European Union  countries have separate passport control and immigration lanes.

Briony Tatem considers a study in The Lancet, which explores the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people from minoritised ethnic groups in England, using longitudinal data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study cohort.

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Social media, smoking and young people: is there any link?


Ian Hamilton summarises a longitudinal survey study of UK youth, which suggests there is an association between social media exposure and use of e-cigarettes and smoking.

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Trauma affects how refugees feel about themselves and others, but how can clinicians help?

Person looking at the mirror. Abstract concept for psychological and personal traits like behavioral mindset, self esteem, confidence, identity and more. Editable Clip Art.

UCL MSc students consider a longitudinal study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, which explores the underlying cognitive mechanisms that could explain the association between trauma exposure, mental health and social engagement in refugees.

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Cannabis use disorder associated with increased risk of both psychotic and nonpsychotic unipolar depression and bipolar disorder

Cannabis plant

Jack Wilson critiques a recent Danish longitudinal study published in JAMA Psychiatry, which suggests that cannabis use disorder is independently associated with bipolar disorder and unipolar depression.

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Mental illness is linked to being a victim and/or perpetrator of violence: time to face up to some inconvenient truths?


Anabelle Paulino and Maya Ogonah summarise a recent Danish longitudinal study on the risk of violent victimisation and perpetration following the onset of mental illness.

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Mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military


Ana Veic summarises a epidemiological study exploring the mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military.

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Schizophrenia and cannabis use: new evidence measures risk of relapse

Over 20% of cannabis users experience a psychotic relapse within 24 months of treatment.

In her debut blog, Sally Turner considers a recent study on cannabis use and clinical outcomes in people with first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders over 24 months of treatment.

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Living well with dementia: what’s the impact of auditory hallucinations?


Clarissa Giebel reviews a recent study exploring the impact of auditory hallucinations on ‘living well’ with dementia using findings from the IDEAL programme.

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How living alone, loneliness and lack of emotional support link to suicide and self-harm


Yutung Ng reviews a cohort study exploring the links between loneliness, living alone and emotional support with suicidality and self-harm.

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