Emotional distress in dementia: qualitative systematic review


Hilary Shepherd examines a qualitative systematic review that aimed to present all available descriptions of emotional distress and explanations for emotional distress experienced by people with dementia, articulated personally and by others.

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Pets are mostly good for our mental health


Kirsten Lawson considers the findings of a recent narrative review and synthesis, which looks at the power of support from pets and companion animals for people living with mental health problems.

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Befriending interventions: are they effective?


#UCLJournalClub students appraise a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of befriending interventions for people with a variety of health conditions including mental illness.

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Investigating the link between loneliness and sleep quality in young people


Ahmed Al-Shihabi and Farhana Mann report on a recent twin study that explores the links between loneliness and sleep quality in young adults.

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Life’s good under one roof: can co-residing with our adult children prevent depression in later life?


Farhana Mann and Gemma Lewis pore over an instrumental variable study, which looks at the effect of co-residing with adult children on depression in later life.

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The apples and oranges of social relationships: what are we measuring and how?


Farhana Mann presents a helpful summary of a number of different tools that have been used in the study of social relationships, as they relate to health and social service use and cardiovascular outcomes.

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Can social networking alleviate loneliness in later life?


Farhana Mann appraises a cross-sectional survey of social networking site usage, loneliness and mental health in community-dwelling older adults.

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AMSTEL study finds that loneliness increases the risk of death in older men, but social isolation does not


Some of the older elves in the woodland don’t join in with our social activities as much as they used to. The younger elves call them ‘cranky’ and laugh at them sitting alone in their tree houses. Personally I worry that they might be feeling lonely and I doubt that shutting themselves away from the [read the full story…]