Exposure to air pollution increases mental health service use, according to new UK study


Wajeeha Raza and Peter Coventry review a retrospective cohort study exploring the association between air pollution exposure and mental health service use among individuals with first presentations of psychotic and mood disorders.

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The ‘syndemics’ theory: a better explanation for ethnic disparities in the incidence and prevalence of psychosis?


Today Bibire Baykeens looks into ethnic disparities in psychotic experiences explained by area-level syndemic effects; a brand new paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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Co-production is essential to effective commissioning and service development, says London’s diabetes care pathway

Sugar lumps with a dice in the middle with the options of yes or no

This guide is the result of discussions with health professionals and people with diabetes Types 1 and 2, and surveys investigating the levels of service provision in London. The reason for this work is because people with from diabetes often suffer from mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, adjustment to their condition, eating [read the full story…]

Improving the mental health of Londoners

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London Health Programmes have published a series of documents from their Models of Care project that will be of particular interest to commissioners. The mental health case for change explores the reasons behind why mental health services in London need to change and the evidence to support the recommendations. The mental health models of care [read the full story…]