Staff training for challenging behaviour – what impact does it have?

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Training for staff in understanding and responding to challenging behaviour – must be a good thing… But how much do we know about the impact of this training on subsequent staff performance and levels of challenging behaviour?

Here, Louise Phillips looks at a review of the literature that set out to explore these questions in more detail.

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Can we model the development and maintenance of self-injury in children with developmental delay?


Self-injurious behaviour can have a severe impact on the quality of life of some children with developmental delay.

Here, Alix Dixon looks at a review of an extensive body of literature around potential causal mechanisms and aggravating characteristics which aims to develop a clearer working model to inform practice.

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Micro providers at the margins: filling gaps, building bridges


Jo Moriatry considers a literature review on how people who have been marginalised in mainstream services are creating and finding support from micro providers and community organisations.

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Placebo effect in psychiatry: what do we really know?


David Steele summarises a review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which looks at the mediators and moderators of the placebo effect in psychiatry.

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Promoting smoking cessation in people with schizophrenia


Meg Fluharty summarises a recent clinical overview of smoking cessation in people with severe mental illness, which provides useful practical advice to clinicians who are trying to help service users with schizophrenia, psychosis and other conditions to quit smoking

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Promoting social support and parenting skills in parents with an intellectual disability

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Research has documented negative attitudes to parents with learning disabilities and highlighted the need for supports.

Here Kate van Dooren looks at a review of literature exploring support interventions for parents with learning disabilities.

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What makes dementia care home staff happy at work?


Clarissa Giebel looks at a paper by fellow blogger, Jill Manthorpe, and explores findings on what makes dementia care home staff happy in their jobs.

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Self-injurious behaviour: we need better research to understand this complex issue


Self injurious behaviour usually directly results in physical harm to an individual and can also seriously impact on their quality of life

Here, Kate van Dooren looks at a review of the literature relating to behavioural interventions for self-injurious behaviours, which sets out to consider the implications of this literature for training and managerial support.

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Models of adult safeguarding: what works best?


Lindsey Pike gives us a sneak preview of a forthcoming research paper on models of adult safeguarding in England and weighs up what the findings mean for the current policy and practice context.

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