PTSD: the current picture #ISTSS2019


Jon Bisson summarises an expert review written by Richard Bryant on post-traumatic stress disorder, which covers the current definitions of PTSD, its known prevalence and risk factors, the main models to explain the disorder, and evidence-supported treatments.

Readers who want to know more should follow the live coverage of the 35th annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies conference, taking place in Boston this week. The Twitter hashtag is #ISTSS2019.

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Depression in later life: healthcare professionals’ views about referrals and management


Alison McKinlay summarises a literature review of qualitative research exploring healthcare professionals’ views of depression in later life, which highlights the quandaries faced by healthcare professionals in primary care, particularly in areas where funding and access to services are limited.

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ADHD remission: why do some children ‘outgrow’ ADHD whilst others don’t?


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent literature review that explores the potential pathways to ADHD remission.

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What causes Autistic Spectrum Disorder?


Ben Janaway explores a recent review in JAMA Psychiatry on the emerging clinical neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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What role should psychoanalysis play in modern mental health practice?


Camille Hart and Iain McDougall explore a recent narrative review by Jessica Yakeley and argue that psychodynamic psychotherapies should be made more widely available within UK mental health services.

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How can digital technology help close the mortality gap for people with severe mental illness?


Lina Gega from the Closing the Gap Network explores a recent review of digital technology for health promotion, which looks at opportunities to address excess mortality in people living with severe mental illness.

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Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism


Syeda Akther writes her debut elf blog on a recent review looking at racial disparities in bipolar disorder treatment and research. She argues that we need to start having serious conversations about racism that go beyond unconscious bias.

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Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?


Tamsin Ford asks what outcomes count, when it comes to measuring adolescent depression?

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Sexual function matters to people living with serious mental illness


Rudiger Pittrof and Elana Covshoff from SHRINE (Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment) explore a recent review, which looks at the impact of severe mental disorders and psychotropic medications on sexual health and its implications for clinical management.

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Chemsex: just dance or bad romance?


Dean Connolly presents the findings of a recent literature review on chemsex, which explores sexualised drug use in UK men who have sex with men.

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