New approaches are needed to support multi-site working says Dalton Review

Man looking at blackboard with arrows pointing mainly in one direction

The Dalton Review was carried out to highlight new ways of working in the NHS, to support integrated care and partnerships with non-NHS organisations.

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How do health and social care leaders respond to user involvement?


Service user researcher and consultant, Gerry Bennison presents his first Social Care Elf blog. In it he critically discusses the findings of a study looking at how leaders in health and social care are responding to service user involvement.

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Bipolar disorder and leadership: evidence from a total population study


Elena Marcus writes her debut blog on a total population study that finds some interesting associations between bipolar disorder and leadership potential, executive roles and political professions.

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Highs and lows of commissioning over the past ten years

Trees reflected in a canal

Introduction The report provides practical guidance and support for NHS employees working in the new NHS system, in particular commissioners working in clinical commissioning groups, local authorities, and NHS England (NHS Commissioning Board). The NHS Confederation is an organisation that identifies best practice and helps NHS staff to implement it. It has produced this report [read the full story…]

New framework to help staff protect vulnerable people

Hands holding paper cut-outs of people

Background This document provides guidance for people working to prevent and reduce the risk of abuse and neglect of adults. It is aimed at NHS staff and their partners in education and social care and has been developed in partnership with the Department of Health, the Department of Education, the NHS and the social care [read the full story…]

Is there a balance between appreciation and challenge for teachers?

Balanced stones

National and international research consistently shows that the most significant factor in raising educational achievement is the employment and retention of good quality teachers. Teacher recruitment and retention; an historical context In recent history, the UK Government has introduced many initiatives to tackle the problems of teacher recruitment and retention (Menter, 2002), including bursaries for [read the full story…]