Workplace interventions can improve healthcare workers’ mental health and reduce burnout


Olga Lainidi blogs a recent systematic review, which suggests that organisation-level interventions including job and task modifications, create the most benefit to reducing burnout and difficulty with mental health for healthcare workers in a variety of settings.

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Reintegration interventions for Complex PTSD: the forgotten phase?


Kirsten Lawson critiques a qualitative study on international expert trauma clinicians’ perspectives on the definition, composition and delivery of reintegration interventions for complex PTSD.

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How can we provide integrated care for people with co-occurring addiction and severe mental health problems?


Akansha Naraindas considers a new review which offers insights to support the evaluation and restructuring of services for people with comorbid severe mental problems and substance use conditions.

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Navigating the obstacles to health and care integration

assault course

Alison Turner summarises a new learning report from the Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care (SLIC) programme, which aimed to overcome barriers to health and care integration. The report offers actionable insights that are informed by empirical evidence and experiential learning.

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CQC State of Care Report and research for quality improvement: Elves mine the archive


Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.

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Service improvement needs “a more empowering, bottom-up approach” says Nuffield Trust report

Blackboard with chalk writing saying "Our Priorities"

In this blog, Caroline De Brún looks at a report published by the Nuffield Trust, which suggests a list of priorities for the government to act on, around improvement in the NHS.

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Recognise the barriers to your improvement


It’s often quoted that 70% of change programmes fail in the NHS but it’s less clear why and what the solutions may be.

In this blog, Alison Turner considers an evidence scan by Health Foundation, which offers some insight on the key barriers, which hamper improvement in projects and programmes.

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An integrated leadership approach needed to improve care

Sitting cat with sitting lion shadow on the wall

In this blog, Caroline De Brún considers the latest research evidence on leadership in health care and key characteristics required for effective leadership, published in a new report by the King’s Fund.

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Report highlights challenges facing CCGs as they take on new co-commissioning responsibilities

Man carrying pile of paving stones

This new report from The King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust provides guidance for CCGs working in partnership with GPs and local authorities, as new co-commissioning arrangements are launched.

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Lessons on long term planning from challenged health economies

long term planning

Alison Turner summarises a recent long term planning report from Monitor, TDA and NHS England, which shares lessons from 11 health economies involved in the Intensive Planning Support Programme.

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