Sophie Carlisle explores the prevalence of violence against older people and how this relates to mental health. This is the third blog in our #16DaysOfActivism2024 series.
[read the full story...]Sophie Carlisle explores the prevalence of violence against older people and how this relates to mental health. This is the third blog in our #16DaysOfActivism2024 series.
[read the full story...]James Smith summarises a rapid realist review of complex interventions for aggressive challenging behaviour in adults with intellectual disability.
[read the full story...]For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.
[read the full story...]Murtada Alsaif considers a systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Lancet Psychiatry exploring the response of different subgroups of patients with schizophrenia to different antipsychotic drugs.
[read the full story...]Karen Mak considers a recent study that explores the associations between participation in community arts groups and aspects of wellbeing in older adults in the US.
[read the full story...]Gemma Wilson-Menzfeld and Alison Osborne review a nationally representative US survey which finds that loneliness affects people of all ages; particularly young adults, people in middle age, and also very old age.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel explores a recent prospective study using data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA), which looks at the longitudinal relationship between loneliness, social isolation, and frailty in older adults in England.
[read the full story...]Maisha Kroll reviews a recent qualitative study exploring the help-seeking views relating to depression among older Black Caribbean adults living in the UK.
[read the full story...]Lydia Poole reviews a recent randomised controlled trial evaluating group metacognitive therapy for depression and anxiety in cardiac patients.
[read the full story...]Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study on accessing post-diagnostic dementia care before and since COVID-19, which highlights the need to reduce inequalities in dementia care.
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