Personal trauma is associated with secondary traumatic stress in mental health professionals


Linda Gask blogs a systematic review finding that personal trauma is linked to onset of secondary trauma in mental health professionals.

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The enforced use of cameras in patients’ bedrooms may not reduce the incidence of self-harm


John Baker looks at a recent study of the Oxevision system, which claims that their ‘vision-based patient monitoring’ reduces self-harm on acute mental health wards.

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Acute hospital wards: caring for people with mental health problems


Kate Chartres summarises a recent qualitative study that provides a greater understanding of the experience of delivering care to people with mental health problems in an acute hospital.

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Power to the people: practitioners, patients and power


Rob Allison explores a recent qualitative study of dependence and resistance in community mental health care, which looks at negotiations of user participation between mental health staff and service users.

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