On the day that the new Mental Health Act Review report is published, Sonia Johnson and Bryn Lloyd-Evans reflect on the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit contribution to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act.
[read the full story...]On the day that the new Mental Health Act Review report is published, Sonia Johnson and Bryn Lloyd-Evans reflect on the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit contribution to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act.
[read the full story...]Raphael Underwood reports on a thematic analysis of joint crisis plans, which explores what service users with psychotic disorders want in a mental health crisis or relapse.
[read the full story...]Our resident Elf Economist, Chris Sampson, reports on a new systematic review of economic evaluations for borderline personality disorder. Are any cost-effective?
[read the full story...]André Tomlin summarises the second National Audit of Schizophrenia, which highlights that many people with schizophrenia are still not getting the high quality psychological and medical treatment they deserve.
[read the full story...]Chris Sampson looks at the economic outcomes of a recent RCT of joint crisis plans to reduce compulsory treatment for people with psychosis. The study reports the potential for gains specifically among Black patients.
[read the full story...]Good mental health care should involve the patient in determining their treatment, and should involve the least restrictive form of care possible. Although the Care Programme Approach (CPA) has resulted in patients in England routinely participating in planning their care, compulsory admissions to psychiatric hospitals have continued to rise over the past decade. Involuntary treatment [read the full story…]