Rena Gatzounis summarises a review investigating the effectiveness of digital interventions for eating disorders and the behaviour change techniques that lie underneath.
[read the full story...]Telemental health: mega-blog on remote mental health care during the pandemic
In her debut blog, Philippa Clery presents the findings of three studies from the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit, which explore the acceptability and efficacy of telemental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Apps to support the mental health of young people: flashy and available versus evidence-based and hidden?
Belinda Platt highlights a new review of mental health apps for young people, which finds there are many apps which seem appealing to young people but have no evidence-base, but only a handful of apps with a sound evidence-base which are available to young people.
[read the full story...]What are the barriers and facilitators affecting engagement with digital mental health interventions?
Theo Kyriacou and Andie Ashdown blog about a systematic review that explores the barriers and facilitators to engagement with digital mental health interventions, which has some interesting findings for app developers and researchers.
[read the full story...]Digital youth mental health interventions: will the evidence ever catch up?
Robbie Fraser summarises an overview of systematic reviews, which finds that computerised CBT for anxiety and depression remains the best evidenced digital mental health intervention for young people.
[read the full story...]How the pro-eating disorders community gain influence on Twitter #Proana
In her debut blog, Megan Buoey summarises a social media study which explores how pro-eating disorder communities grow on Twitter.
[read the full story...]Videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety disorders: working alliance and intolerance of uncertainty
Tyler Hughes blogs about a randomised controlled trial which explores therapeutic alliance in videoconference delivered CBT for anxiety.
[read the full story...]Disordered eating during COVID: understanding experiences from Reddit posts
Georgie Parker summarises a research study of Reddit comments posted during Covid-19, which looks at how the pandemic and lockdown affected people with disordered eating behaviours.
[read the full story...]NHS-recommended e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress: promising but limited
Natalie Berry summarises a meta-analysis which finds a limited body of research exists to support the use of NHS e-therapies for depression, anxiety and stress.
[read the full story...]Blue Whale Challenge and suicide contagion
Holly Crudgington reviews a qualitative study that examines the self-harm and suicide contagion effects of the Blue Whale Challenge on YouTube and Twitter.
[read the full story...]