Kirsten Barnicot explores research that shows how trauma-informed enquiries can be part of the healing process for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
[read the full story...]Kirsten Barnicot explores research that shows how trauma-informed enquiries can be part of the healing process for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Lottie Shipp summarises a qualitative study that explores Swedish young people’s perceptions of public stigma towards youth mental health.
[read the full story...]Akansha Naraindas summarises the findings of a small qualitative study of home-based family therapy for conduct disorder in teenagers.
[read the full story...]Kate Baxter discusses a paper by Hillcoat-Nallétamby about the limitations of rational choice theory as an approach to understanding choice-making processes among older people around the decision to move into extra-care housing schemes.
[read the full story...]Kate Baxter reviews a study by Trigg et al. (2018) which explores and compares the type and quantity of information that makes people feel comfortable when choosing a residential care home in the UK, Netherlands and Spain.
[read the full story...]Martin Stevens considers the low uptake of direct payments in residential care: an evaluation of the Direct Payments in Residential Care Trailblazers.
[read the full story...]Jill Manthorpe reports on an Australian qualitative study on what independent living means to very old people.
[read the full story...]Olivia Kirtley summarises an important new qualitative study that explores the impact of self-harm in young people on their parents and families.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Alison Turner considers a report, which shares findings with 10 senior leaders on the skills and behaviours needed to deliver transformation across health systems.
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