Imogen Bell blogs about a recent randomised controlled trial of the SlowMo app, which aimed to slow down thinking patterns and correct interpretation biases in people experiencing paranoia.
[read the full story...]Learning to focus on smiles not frowns: challenging unhelpful attention and interpretation patterns #ActiveIngredientsMH
Jennifer Lau summarises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into promoting helpful attention and interpretation patterns to reduce anxiety and depression in young people.
[read the full story...]Cognitive biases in adolescent depression: the more you have, the worse you feel
Maria Loades explores a cross-sectional study of the combined influence of cognitions in adolescent depression, which investigates biases of interpretation, self-evaluation and memory, and concludes that a negative evaluation of the self is strongly associated with depression severity and with a diagnosis of depression.
[read the full story...]