Akansha Naraindas considers a new review which offers insights to support the evaluation and restructuring of services for people with comorbid severe mental problems and substance use conditions.
[read the full story...]Akansha Naraindas considers a new review which offers insights to support the evaluation and restructuring of services for people with comorbid severe mental problems and substance use conditions.
[read the full story...]Amelia Talbot summarises a qualitative study on people’s views of integrating smoking cessation treatment into routine care for people with mental illness.
[read the full story...]Andie Ashdown and Theophanis Kyriacou summarise a recent paper on integrating HIV and substance misuse services, which draws on a person-centred approach that is grounded in human rights.
[read the full story...]An informal carer refers to someone who, “provides unpaid help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help” (Beesley, 2006). Comparatively, people who choose to be carers have a higher quality of life than those who provide care as it is expected of them. Though health [read the full story…]
“There are many other ways to get our patients better than prescribing and talking.”
Shuichi Suetani reviews a recently published textbook: The Maudsley Practice Guidelines for Physical Health Conditions in Psychiatry.
[read the full story...]John Baker reviews a recent umbrella review of randomised controlled trials on the efficacy of interventions to reduce coercion in mental health services.
[read the full story...]Masuma Mishu from the Closing the Gap Network reviews a recent US trial of a comprehensive cardiovascular risk reduction intervention in people with severe mental illness, which shows promising results.
[read the full story...]David Gunnell writes his debut elf blog on a recent review of population-based approaches to mental health. He calls for joined-up strategies across Government Departments to prevent mental illness and improve population mental health.
[read the full story...]Liz Hughes summarises a recent rapid review on integrated care to address the physical health needs of people with severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Jill Manthorpe considers the findings of interviews with mental health social workers about their experiences of secondment to integrated care services.
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