How has the hostile environment policy worsened the mental health of people from minoritised ethnic groups?

LONDON, UK -20 MAY 2017- Sign for the UK Border at London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).  The UK and European Union  countries have separate passport control and immigration lanes.

Briony Tatem considers a study in The Lancet, which explores the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people from minoritised ethnic groups in England, using longitudinal data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study cohort.

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Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention


Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).

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Tackling structural racism in suicide prevention: a conceptual framework


Kam Bhui reviews a conceptual framework developed to understand structural racism and suicide prevention for ethnoracially minoritised youth in the United States.

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Involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation in children and young people: who is at higher risk?


Alice Wickersham summarises a recent review exploring the clinical and social factors associated with involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation. The review finds that intellectual disability, psychosis, risk of harm to self and/or others, Black ethnicity, and older adolescence were strong predictors of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalisation in children and young people.

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Race, ethnicity, and disparities in mental health experiences and outcomes #AntiRacistMHResearch


As we prepare for the next instalment in our “How to be an anti-racist mental health researcher” webinar series, Kam Bhui considers research ethics and how we must disrupt and transform mental health research if we are serious about tackling inequalities and racism.

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Will increased medication adherence, even if ‘coproduced’, solve the problem of ethnic inequalities and injustices in BAME communities?


Diana Rose takes issue with a training programme for mental health professionals that aims to increase medication adherence in BAME Service Users.

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Racial disparities in bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment: time to talk about racism


Syeda Akther writes her debut elf blog on a recent review looking at racial disparities in bipolar disorder treatment and research. She argues that we need to start having serious conversations about racism that go beyond unconscious bias.

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Compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act: significantly more likely if you come from a BAME or migrant group


Ian Cummins explores a recent international systematic review and meta-analysis, which highlights ethnic variations in compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act.

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The impact of racism on mental health


Alison Faulkner considers a recent report on racism and mental health by the Synergi Collaborative Centre, which covers the impact of interpersonal racism, the multidimensional nature of disadvantage, structural disadvantage and mental illness, and pathways to mental health care.

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Police killings and the mental health of black Americans


Ian Cummins provides the context and perspective to consider the implications of a population-based, quasi-experimental study of police killings and their spillover effects on the mental health of black Americans.

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