John Baker reflects on a recent review on rates and risk factors of coercion in inpatient child and adolescent mental health services.
[read the full story...]Opening ward doors doesn’t make staff any more coercive
John Baker summarises a new Norwegian trial published last week, which compares an open-door policy to treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards.
[read the full story...]Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention
Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).
[read the full story...]PACT advance decision-making template: is another form really the answer?
Peter Bartlett considers the usefulness of the new PACT advance-decision making template, which is a fillable template for advance decision making in fluctuating mental health conditions – PACT (Preferences and Advance decisions for Crisis and Treatment).
[read the full story...]REsTRAIN YOURSELF: reducing restrictive practices on mental health wards #BCTcompare
Krysia Canvin helps us prepare for the #BCTcompare event on Wed 5th June by blogging about a recent study, which looks at the outcome of a restraint reduction programme (‘REsTRAIN YOURSELF’) to minimise the use of physical restraint in acute mental health services.
[read the full story...]Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?
Kathryn Berzins considers the implications of a recent rapid systematic review of the views and experiences of the Nearest Relative provision of the Mental Health Act (1983).
[read the full story...]The impact of physical restraint on people in mental health settings
Rob Allison considers the findings of a recent integrative review that explores the physical and psychological harm inherent in using restraint in mental health inpatient settings.
[read the full story...]“Treat me with respect”. What happens before, during and after coercion?
John Baker takes a look at a recent systematic review and thematic analysis, which explores psychiatric patients’ reported perceptions of the situations associated with the process of coercion.
[read the full story...]Locked wards vs open wards: does control = safety?
André Tomlin summarises a 15 year observational study published today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which provides fascinating insight into suicide risk and absconding in psychiatric inpatient units with locked wards and open door policies.
[read the full story...]Cochrane find no evidence for as required PRN medication for mental health inpatients
John Baker summarises an updated Cochrane review on ‘as required’ PRN medication regimens for seriously mentally ill people in hospital, which finds no randomised controlled trials that support this widely used intervention.
[read the full story...]