Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?


Kathryn Berzins considers the implications of a recent rapid systematic review of the views and experiences of the Nearest Relative provision of the Mental Health Act (1983).

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Decision-making capacity of inpatients with schizophrenia: don’t assume people are incapable


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL summarise a recent cross-sectional study on the association of decision-making capacity for treatment and research in inpatients with schizophrenia and related psychoses.

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How far is evidence-informed policy-making achievable?


On the day that the new Mental Health Act Review report is published, Sonia Johnson and Bryn Lloyd-Evans reflect on the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit contribution to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act.

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Smoking bans and violence on mental health wards: what’s the link?


John Baker isn’t convinced by the findings of a systematic review on smoking bans and violence in mental health settings, which concludes that the introduction of smoke-free policies generally do not lead to an increase in violence.

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Sexual safety in mental health inpatient units #SexualSafetyMH


Liz Hughes considers the findings and implications of the new CQC report on sexual safety on mental health wards, which calls for co-produced guidance to enable everyone who delivers mental health services to do the right thing about sexual safety.

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Reducing physical restraint: suggestions from patients and staff


Rob Allison explores a recent qualitative study of mental health inpatients’ and staff members’ suggestions for reducing physical restraint.

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People with severe mental illness have more adverse outcomes from medical or surgical treatment


Laoise Renwick considers the findings of a recent systematic review on the safety of service users with severe mental illness receiving inpatient care on medical and surgical wards.

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The long view: what has really changed with recovery?


Simon Bradstreet explores a recent qualitative study looking at 20 years in the lives of a group of 20 people with psychosis in Ireland. The research provides evidence on the pros and cons of the adoption of recovery-based approaches from people who are uniquely placed to provide a long-term view.

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Staff training to improve patient experiences of mental health inpatient wards


Danielle Lamb writes her debut elf blog on a recent RCT that investigates how staff training can improve patient experiences of mental health inpatient care.

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The impact of physical restraint on people in mental health settings


Rob Allison considers the findings of a recent integrative review that explores the physical and psychological harm inherent in using restraint in mental health inpatient settings.

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