All eyes on the ward: the use and impact of surveillance in inpatient mental health settings


Nima Hunt summarises a new systematic review published today on the use and impact of surveillance-based technology initiatives in inpatient and acute mental health settings. The review suggests that surveillance technologies should not be used in mental health settings until further research supports their use.

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Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention


Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).

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Whose camera is it anyway? The use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health wards

two cctv cameras point in opposite directions on the corner of a building, a black and white picture

Alison Faulkner writes a powerful blog on the use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health services, which centres around a qualitative interview study conducted with service users, staff and nursing directors.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Exploring eating disorders on TikTok – #EDrecovery: helpful or harmful?


Cara Richardson blogs about a novel study that explores the use of the social media platform TikTok to express experiences of eating disorder recovery.

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Can therapy dogs lead more people into research?


Georgie Parker summarises a qualitative study which finds that therapy dogs may help to improve research engagement in “hard to reach” populations.

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What can be done during the MHA Assessment process to reduce compulsory psychiatric admissions?


Kevin Stone writes his debut blog on a recent mixed methods study that aimed to identify factors in the MHA Assessment process which facilitate or impede reducing compulsory psychiatric admissions.

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Music groups on acute mental health inpatient wards


Una Foye highlights a small qualitative study that explores the benefits of establishing music groups on acute mental health inpatient wards. She reflects on the boredom felt by many inpatients and the importance of social connection and a positive ward atmosphere that may indirectly improve recovery and mental well-being.

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Decision-making capacity of inpatients with schizophrenia: don’t assume people are incapable


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL summarise a recent cross-sectional study on the association of decision-making capacity for treatment and research in inpatients with schizophrenia and related psychoses.

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Sexual safety in mental health inpatient units #SexualSafetyMH


Liz Hughes considers the findings and implications of the new CQC report on sexual safety on mental health wards, which calls for co-produced guidance to enable everyone who delivers mental health services to do the right thing about sexual safety.

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