Caroline Storer summarises a recent NHSCC report, which defines how clinical commissioning groups in England’s core cities are responding to the Five Year Forward View.
[read the full story...]Reducing the bureaucracy in general practice must be a national priority, says NHS Alliance
Sarah McDonald reviews a new NHS Alliance report, which provides a snapshot of GP and Practice Manager views on the day-to-day work demands that exist outside of general practice consultations.
[read the full story...]NHS Clinical Commissioners present case studies showing successful partnership working between commissioners and providers
The National Ambulance Commissioners Network have published a briefing on Good Practice in Ambulance Commissioning. The briefing contains seven case studies relating to emergency ambulance services. It also summarises some of the key areas commissioners should focus on. Caroline Storer takes a look at it.
[read the full story...]Retrospective matched control analysis is a useful evaluation tool for service redesign, says Nuffield Trust report
This is a summary of a Nuffield Trust report, which describes a novel approach for the evaluation of clinical and cost effectiveness of new NHS care models.
[read the full story...]Innovation case studies point to a co-productive approach acknowledging risk taking and organisational development
Alison Turner summarises a new digital report from the King’s Fund, which features a range of case studies highlighting how innovations have improved patient care and experience.
[read the full story...]Improve local community mental health services using this framework
This work, developed by accountancy firm Mazars LLP, has been commissioned by NHS Confederation and Strategic Health Authority Mental Health Leads. It is a diagnostic tool aimed at mental health commissioners working for clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), helping them to identify where the gaps are in their local service provision and what they need to [read the full story…]
Primary care must change to meet needs of population, says report
The King’s Fund has just published this report, which describes how the health and social care workforce are coming up with new models for delivering primary care, to support the “current system of commissioning”. The report is aimed at commissioners, GP staff, and related stakeholders, including social care and local authorities, and promotes improved liaison [read the full story…]
“To fulfil its constitution, the NHS must continue to provide a comprehensive, excellent service, available to all”, says report
The NHS faces an increasing funding gap and a conflict between supply and demand. The constitution says that the NHS must provide a high quality service for everyone. However, the population is growing, and people are living longer, so how can the NHS continue to do more with less? Monitor believes that getting better “health [read the full story…]
Partnerships between trusts and voluntary sector can deliver efficient, high-quality, patient-centred care, according to report
This report has been written in partnership with the Foundation Trust Network and the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Its purpose is to show health care providers and commissioners how building partnerships with the voluntary sector can improve patient care, by working together to meet the five key areas of the NHS Mandate: [read the full story…]