The Care Act Information Duty in a digital age: What do we need to consider for improving both the information and our practice?

The internet

Background Since the implementation of the Care Act 2014, information has been a statutory duty of Local Authorities. Under the Care Act section 4 of the Care Act, Local Authorities (LAs) have particular responsibilities around providing information to carers and care and support recipients, however how that information is, or should be, provided, as well [read the full story…]

Inequalities in accessing dementia care and support during COVID-19

old man and woman with mask looking through window

Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study on accessing post-diagnostic dementia care before and since COVID-19, which highlights the need to reduce inequalities in dementia care.

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Enhancing primary care support for informal carers

An informal carer refers to someone who, “provides unpaid help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help” (Beesley, 2006). Comparatively, people who choose to be carers have a higher quality of life than those who provide care as it is expected of them. Though health [read the full story…]

Dementia care during COVID-19: difficult choices for unpaid carers


In her debut blog, Catherine Talbot reviews a recent qualitative study, which explores the decision-making process for receiving paid home care for people with dementia during COVID-19.

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STrAtegies for RelaTives (START): long-lasting effect on the wellbeing of family carers of dementia patients


A group of UCL Mental Health MSc students summarise a recent RCT assessing the clinical and cost-effectiveness over 6 years of the START intervention for family carers of people with dementia.

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Carers’ experiences of involuntary admission under mental health legislation


Juliana Onwumere summarises a recent qualitative review that explores carers’ experiences of involuntary admission of family members or loved ones to mental health inpatient units.

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Mental health carers: peer-led training, education and support #MentalHealthCarers


Bethany Gill helps us prepare for the #MentalHealthCarers event by summarising a service evaluation of a peer-led psychoeducation programme which aims to improve mental health carers well-being, reduce burden and enrich empowerment.

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The role of ICT in Ageing in Place: a family matter

The assumed role of ICT in Ageing in Place policies is to help older people communicate their needs quickly and easily with their care network, and at the same time, to assist governments in providing efficient and inexpensive care to vulnerable adults living at home

Jacqueline Damant considers a qualitative study looking at the experiences of older people and their support networks in using ICT to support Ageing in Place.

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Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers


Shuichi Suetani and Sharon Lawn explore a recent viewpoint article on physical health problems in psychosis, which asks: Is it time to consider the views of family carers?

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Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?


Kathryn Berzins considers the implications of a recent rapid systematic review of the views and experiences of the Nearest Relative provision of the Mental Health Act (1983).

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