Inflammation and depression: new insights into sex differences in adolescents

Illustration set of 9 different faces of all sexes and races . Also available in other sets.

Sophie Fairweather explores a recent paper which suggests that the inflammatory cytokines IL-2 and IL-6 are associated with both the risk of developing depression, and with depression severity, although this relationship is modified by sex.

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Silver diamine fluoride: The effect on vital dental pulp


In this review Iris Vaid looks at a systematic review of the dental pulp response to silver diamine flouride (SDF) treatment. Only a small number of studies focused on the biological effects of SDF on the dental pulp and none of them were clinical trials.

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Orthodontic tooth movement and its effect on the dental pulp

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Orthodontic treatment is based on the principle that if a force is applied to a tooth for a period of time it will move. The applied force produces changes in both the supporting structures and in the pulp of the tooth.  Pathological changes have been reported in the pulp in response to these forces so [read the full story…]