Arginine and caries prevention


7 RCTs were included in this review of the caries prevention effects of arginine containing dental products. They provide insufficient evidence to support a caries preventive effect for arginine in toothpaste.

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Dental Erosion – incidence and progression high in adolescents


This cohort study followed 13-14 year old Swedish adolescents over 4 years finding high incidence and prevalence of erosion, with higher levels being seen in males.

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Untreated caries: a significant global problem

gross caries, anterior teeth

This review is part of the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study. It included a large number of observational studies and estimates that 2.4 Billion have untreated decay in permanent teeth and 621 million children have untreated caries in primary teeth.

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Severe periodontitis: affected 11% of the world population in 2010


The review represents some of the output of the 2010 Global Burden of Disease studies and finds that severe periodontitis is the 6th most prevalent disease affecting about 11% of adults worldwide.The prevalence increases gradually with age with a steep increase between the 3rd and 4th decades.

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The overall incidence of eating disorders increased between 2000 and 2009, says new register-based UK study

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Eating disorders are chronic conditions associated with high mortality and morbidity as highlighted by a previous Mental Elf blog in 2011. Eating disorders are categorised into three main groups: i. Anorexia Nervosa (AN), ii. Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and iii. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS). Using ICD 10 criteria, EDNOS includes atypical AN and atypical BN as well [read the full story…]

Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of non-fatal illness worldwide


Data from the largest and most comprehensive survey of causes of illness worldwide has been published in the Lancet. This paper represents the latest analysis of the data set collected in the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2010 (GBD 2010) and focuses on the global burden of illness due to mental [read the full story…]

The burden of disease due to chronic illnesses, especially mental health illnesses is rising in the UK

Earth and stethoscope

The NHS is thought of as a model health care system. It has experienced several reforms over the last 20 years, including greatly increased amounts of spending. So how have these changes affected the burden of disease due to mental health problems over this period, and how does the UK’s record in this area stack [read the full story…]

Running-related musculoskeletal injuries

athletic track with 2012 and Union flag

Welcome to the Musculoskeletal Elf! This is the first of many regular articles that we plan to publish on this website; highlighting reliable musculoskeletal research and guidance for health and social care professionals. Our first few blogs will have relevance to the London 2012 summer Olympic Games and Paralympic Games taking place just now. Well done [read the full story…]