Digital v confentional impressions for implant supported fixed prosthesis, extraction v non-extraction orthodontics and flap v flappless surgery for implant placement were popular blogs between October and December.
[read the full story...]Digital v confentional impressions for implant supported fixed prosthesis, extraction v non-extraction orthodontics and flap v flappless surgery for implant placement were popular blogs between October and December.
[read the full story...]This review comparing digital scans and conventional impressions for complete arch implant-supported fixed prostheses included 6 RCTs. The findings suggest that digital scans significantly reduce the the time required compared with conventional impressions for complete arch implant-supported prostheses. However, there are only a small number of small studies available with only one of the six included being at low risk of bias.
[read the full story...]This review comparing the incidence of peri-implant disease with cement- and screw-retained prostheses included 6 RCTs. The findings suggest no difference in level of peri-implant disease with cement- or screw retained prosthesis. However, the studies are small none of them are at low risk of bias. Consequently the findings should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]This review of marginal bone loss and implant survival rate of tilted implants compared with those of axial implants for implant-supported fixed partial dentures (ISFPDs) included 9 studies. The findings suggest no different in survival rates between the two implant types but the possibility of more marginal bone loss with tilted implants.The quality of evidence is low.
[read the full story...]This review of the effectiveness of different attachment systems for complete edentulous mandibular Implant-supported overdentures included 25 RCTs . The findings suggest no significant differences between attachment systems.
[read the full story...]This review of the outcomes of early and delayed loading of dental implants included 18 RCTs. The findings suggest that early and delayed loading protocols had similar clinical outcomes. However none of the included studies was at a low risk and 13 of the 18 studies were considered to be at high risk of bias. While the findings are similar to other reviews teh availabel evidence is of low to very low certainty.
[read the full story...]This review of the the survival and complication rates of single implant retained mandibular overdentures included 17 studies (9 RCTs). While the findings suggest they are effective the available studies are small with only 3 providing follow-up of longer than two years.
[read the full story...]This review of the survival and complication rates of tooth-implant supported fixed dental prostheses (T-I FDPs) includes 8 prospective cohort studies and 185 T-I FDPs suggesting acceptable 5 and 10 year survival rates.
[read the full story...]This review comparing ceramic and metal-ceramic restorations was developed by MSc Students from @UClanDentistry during a recent workshop. While the findings suggest no difference between the two materials only a small number of limited quality studies are available.
[read the full story...]19 studies (6 RCTs, 13 prospective studies) were included in this review assessing whether the number of dental implants per jaw has an influence on implant and/or prosthesis survival rate and complications with the findings suggesting no influence.
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