Homelessness and trauma: a vicious cycle


In her debut blog, Peter Boyd-Piercy summarises a recent report for Oasis Community Housing on the prevalence of trauma among people who have experienced homelessness in England.

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Interventions to improve social circumstances among people with mental health conditions


Andy Bell summarises work by the Mental Health Policy and Research Unit looking at improving the social circumstances of people with mental health conditions. The study finds the most robust and compelling evidence available relates to gaining paid employment and tackling homelessness.

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Homeless hostel residents and staff struggle to access health and social care services

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In her debut blog, Ava Phillips summarises a paper that finds both people living in homeless hostels, and staff working there, feel marginalised and struggle to access the health and social care they need.

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Prison and mental illness: the unmet needs associated with reincarceration


Danny Whiting reviews a recent Canadian prison study which finds that schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and homelessness are some of the factors significantly associated with reincarceration.

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Are homeless people more likely to die by suicide?


Ian Cummins explores a study that analysed data from the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health, which finds that homeless people were more likely to die by suicide after discharge from hospital than non-homeless people.

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Suicide in children and young people can happen without warning


Shirley Reynolds reviews a records study which finds that around one third of children and young people who die by suicide have no explicit prior risk.

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Risk factors for self-harm in prison


In her debut blog, Rebecca Crook summarises a systematic review of individual and environmental risk factors for self-harm in prison.

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The burden of mortality and morbidity carried by marginalised populations


Noortje Uphoff appraises a systematic review and meta-analysis of morbidity and mortality in homeless individuals, prisoners, sex workers and individuals with substance use disorders in high-income countries.

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Parental homelessness linked to increased risk of mental illness in offspring


Dean Connolly explores a Danish register-based cohort study, which investigates the risk of mental health problems in offspring of parents with a history of homelessness during childhood and adolescence.

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Independent housing and support for people with severe mental illness


Sophie Holding publishes her debut blog on a recent systematic review which finds that independent housing and support has great potential to improve outcomes for both homeless and non-homeless populations with serious mental illness.

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