This UK multi-centre RCT of elective neck dissection(END) for early stage oral cancer found higher rates for overall and disease free survival in those patients having END.
[read the full story...]This UK multi-centre RCT of elective neck dissection(END) for early stage oral cancer found higher rates for overall and disease free survival in those patients having END.
[read the full story...]Hilary Shepherd writes her debut blog on a new paper from the WHELD cluster RCT, which looks at the impact of antipsychotic review and psychosocial intervention on health-related quality of life in people with dementia living in care homes.
[read the full story...]Sarah McDonald explores a recent meta-analysis that summarises the effects of cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders on quality of life in adults.
[read the full story...]This review of the impact on oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) linked with maintaining or restoring a shortened dental arch found limited evidence from 3 studies suggesting a benefit for OHRQoL with maintaining rather than restoring a the SDA with a removable partial dental prosthesis.
[read the full story...]Eleanor Kennedy reports on a nationwide Swedish cohort study, which finds that traumatic brain injury consistently predicted later risk of premature mortality, psychiatric inpatient admission, psychiatric outpatient visits, disability pension, welfare recipiency and low educational attainment.
[read the full story...]Gemma Shields’ debut blog about a systematic review of the health-related quality of life and economic burdens of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr explores a US study on what is associated with physical and mental health-related quality of life for older LGBT people.
[read the full story...]Do you know that over 1 million hip replacements are carried out each year? The majority of Total Hip Replacements are for people with severe arthritis of the hip that causes pain and reduction in function. We elves wanted to know for someone with osteoarthritis of the hip what are the medium term health related [read the full story…]
Health Economist Christopher Sampson reports on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, which shows health-related quality of life utility values vary between studies and economic models should consider this.
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