Supporting NHS colleagues following a coworker’s suicide: a postvention theory

Implementing structured protocols, enhancing training, strengthening support, and promoting open communication are all steps that can be implemented within workplaces to better support staff wellbeing after a colleague’s suicide.

In her debut blog, Brittany Oldale collaborates with Sarah Watts to summarise a grounded theory study that sought to create a postvention theory for how to support colleagues’ following a colleague’s suicide within the NHS.

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An equal exchange? Practitioners’ accounts of social care assessment under the Care Act

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Tanya Moore considers a qualitative coproduced study of English practitioners’ accounts of social care assessment practices under the Care Act 2014.

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How do life events impact upon therapeutic work with children and young people? #MHED2018


Terry Hanley explores a recent systematic review of life events, socioeconomic deprivation, and their impact on counselling and psychotherapy with children and adolescents.

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Family therapy for anorexia: can it create closeness and containment in parent-adolescent relationships?


Sarah McDonald blogs about a recent study that explores the effect of family-based treatment for anorexia on familial relationships.

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