The genetic relationship between ADHD and depression


Tim van der Es discusses a recent paper that investigates whether ADHD causally increases the risk of subsequent major depression diagnoses. The study findings underscore the need for effective treatment and assessment of ADHD and a requirement for a deeper understanding of the potential causal mechanisms linking ADHD and depression.

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Parental mental illness a key risk factor for offspring mental illness: new evidence from Australia

The prevalence of developmental vulnerabilities in children increased with the number of parental comorbidities, with overall stronger associations for mothers compared to fathers.

Francesca Zecchinato summarises a new study which suggests that children of parents with experience of mental illness comorbidities represent a vulnerable population and should be prioritised in prevention and intervention efforts.

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Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions less influential than social environment


Sally Turner reviews a recent study exploring cannabis use in college, which provides useful evidence relating to how universities could promote a sense of community, belonging and support to students who use cannabis.

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Complex trauma and complex problems: evidence from a cohort study


Oluwaseun Oluwaranti reviews a cohort study which finds that participants exposed to complex trauma had more severe mental health problems and poorer cognitive function at 18 years of age.

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New review suggests that PTSD may be a modifiable risk factor for dementia


Anjuli Kaul blogs about a new systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies, which explores the relationship between PTSD and all-cause dementia.

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Increased risk for physical illness in schizophrenia is not caused by genetic liability for the disorder: according to new data-linkage study


Dolly Sud appraises a recent data linkage study on the impact of schizophrenia genetic liability on the association between schizophrenia and physical illness.

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