Tooth extraction: factors affecting anxiety and fear


This review of factors affecting fear and anxiety in adult patients undergoing tooth extraction included 16 studies and identified a number of factors associated with anxiety although there are concerns over the quality of the available studies.

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Decision making among male carers of people with dementia


Jeanne Carlin explores a study on decision making in male carers of people with dementia and reflects on her own experiences in interpreting the findings.

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Social care for men with long term conditions: disability, masculinity and agency


Hannah Morgan examines a study on social care for disabled men living with long term conditions and discovers the importance of agency, choice and control.

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Jobs for the girls? Intergenerational care and gender inequality in Europe


Martin Stevens discusses research on gender inequality and intergenerational patterns of care in Europe and reveals possible potential implications for current social care reform.

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Where do young people with learning disabilities seek information about sexuality?

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Sexuality is a core aspect of human experience, but for many people with learning disabilities, there continues to be considerable confusion about sexuality and significant gaps in their knowledge Opportunities for people to participate in relationships and education about sexuality can be affected by attitudes and perceptions of family carers, support workers and professional staff. [read the full story…]

Self-report tool shows women with learning disabilities identify higher levels of symptoms relating to mood and self esteem

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Evidence suggests there is a greater prevalence of mental ill-health in people with learning disabilities, although the extent of this difference varies from study to study. At present there has been little work enabling people with learning disabilities to recognise potential threats to their mental health and to help with the development of strategies to [read the full story…]

Risk Factors for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

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When the keep-fit Elf was on holiday recently her replacement introduced us to a new exercise. We all enthusiastically participated in the ‘power lunges’ (more like wobbling really) but over the next few days the front of my knee hurt climbing stairs, kneeling or bending down. What was wrong? Would exercising make it worse? How [read the full story…]

Study finds female forensic patients with learning disabilities had higher levels of anger than males

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With a between-subjects design and gender as its one independent variable, the researchers in this study used the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory to compare the score of 12 females and 23 males within a forensic psychiatric service for patients with learning disabilities. The team found there were significant differences between scores which suggested [read the full story…]