“Dem sey mi mad”: Afro Caribbean Experiences of Psychosis


Hári Sewell explores Afro Caribbean men’s experiences of psychosis, social and migration difficulties, and challenges accessing mental health services in North America and the United Kingdom.

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The risks arising from having ADHD: physical health, mental health, social and lifestyle

Skateboarding teenager

Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.

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Prisonization: how does prison impact on the mental health of prisoners? Insights from Norway


Verity Wainwright explores a qualitative study from Norway, which looks into prisoners understanding of mental health and the prison environment.

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How do Black and South Asian women experience perinatal mental health services?


KCL Masters student Madeline Katta-Worae considers a UK qualitative study of perinatal mental health services, which explores the experiences of ethnically minoritised women.

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Doing our part as citizens: citizen science in mental health research


Laura Hemming summarises a systematic review that synthesises and develops best practice guidelines for citizen science in mental health research.

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The Truth Project: survivor experiences of sharing their testimonies following childhood sexual abuse

a meadow with purple, yellow, white and red flowers among green grass

Kirsten Barnicot explores research that shows how trauma-informed enquiries can be part of the healing process for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

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Oral health interventions for people with severe mental illness: what enables and prevents people from accessing them?


Vishal Aggarwal considers the findings of a recent qualitative study, which looks at the contextual factors, barriers, and facilitators to accessing oral health interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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Can Tetris help to reduce the intensity and distress of traumatic intrusive memories?

Sometimes life seems like Tetris: it throws at you several, different and unrelated things, and you try to mix and match them, and fit together everything at your best in a seemingly infinite struggle. 
Trying to clear the stage now and then, and maybe get that winning combo, just before everything becomes too overwhelming...

Shot on Canon 550D, edit in Lightroom Classic CC.

Tanya Garg blogs a study which finds that visuospatial tasks like playing Tetris, do not reduce the intensity and distress of intrusions after watching a traumatic film.

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When it comes to youth mental health, let’s focus on screen-use not screen-time


In her debut blog, Linda Kaye summarises a paper that presents a youth mental health research priority setting exercise, which finds that research should be focussing on screen use not screen time.

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Alexithymia and suicide, violence, and dual harm in male prisoners


Ross Nedoma reviews a recent cross-sectional study examining the links between alexithymia and suicide, violence or dual harm among male prisoners in the UK.

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