Worldwide Exercise Flash-Mob starts today 23rd November 2012

Are you part of it? Join the Musculoskeletal Elves Team (on the 5×50 registration website #TheMSK_Elf). By running, walking, cycling 5k a day for the 7 days from 23rd to 29th November the organisers aim to cover the equivalent distance of 5 times round the world. It’s not aimed at the fit – it’s about [read the full story…]

Worldwide Exercise Flash-Mob 23rd – 29th November 2012


We Elves know that physical activity is beneficial for health and well-being and we also know that sometimes we just don’t do enough of it. Well here is a great opportunity for us all to kick start our activity and also be part of something very big. The enthusiastic friends of Musculoskeletal Elf in Scotland [read the full story…]