Little evidence available on the effect of prosthetic margin placement on the incidence of secondary caries


The placement of prosthetic restoration finish line is the subject of much interest and debate. The aim of this review was to assess the effect of prosthetic margin placement on caries susceptibility of abutment teeth Searches were conducted in PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, Cochrane Central Register of Database of Systematic reviews, Cochrane Central Register of [read the full story…]

Weak evidence for success rates of dental restorations placed on root-treated teeth


Root canal treatment (RoCT) is a common dental procedure and an understanding of the survival of RoCT teeth and their restorations is an important consideration. The aim of this review was to assess the success rates for single crowns, fixed and removable dental prostheses, as well as for the different kinds of posts placed on [read the full story…]

New critical summary from the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-based Dentistry


The latest critical summary to come from the ADA-EBD Center is of a 2010 review by Schley et al. The aim of the original review was to assess the 5-year survival rates of all-ceramic zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and to analyze technical and biological complications. The reviewer highlighted a number of issues with the [read the full story…]

Weak evidence finds no support for ‘Ante’s Law’


This critical summary of a review published by Lulic et al in 2007  has just been published under the auspicies of the American Dental Association Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry. For 80 years Ante’ law has influenced standard textbooks of prosthodontics.  It stated:- the total periodontal membrane area of the abutment teeth must equal or exceed [read the full story…]

Restoring the shortened dental arch with partial removable dental prosthesis


The shortened dental arch (SDA) has been defined as having an intact anterior region but a reduced number of occluding pairs of posterior teeth. The World Health Organization has stated that the retention, throughout life, of a functional, aesthetic, natural dentition of not less than 20 teeth and not requiring recourse to prostheses should be [read the full story…]

New Cochrane Protocol for April 2012

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

Just one new dental protocol registered with the Cochrane Oral Health Group this month . Ban Z, Jia Y, Li C, Zhu Z, Ban Y, Shi Z. Gingival retraction for fixed prosthodontic treatment (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD009797. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009797. Crowns, bridges and other fixed dental prosthesis  are [read the full story…]

Short term data suggest zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses may be an alternative to metal ceramic prostheses

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Zirconia is a polycrystalline ceramic without a glassy phase and exists in several forms. Recently, zirconia has been used to fabricate ceramic fixed dental prosthesis FDPs with relatively high strength and good aesthetics.  The aim of this systematic review was to assess zirconia-based FDPs in terms of survival and complications. Veneering techniques for porcelain application [read the full story…]

Partial loss of teeth – so many treatment options – but insufficient evidence to recommend best method

Logo of The Cochrane Collaboration

The management of patents who present with the partial loss of teeth is a common task for dentists and has been so for many years. The aim of this Cochrane review is to assess the effects of different prostheses for the treatment of partially absent dentition in terms of the following outcomes: long-term success, function, [read the full story…]