White spot lesion prevention during orthodontic treatment


This review of the efficacy of preventive interventions against the development of white spot lesions (WSLs) during fixed appliance orthodontic treatment included 23 RCTs tha majority of which were at high risk of bias. The findings suggest some benefit from sealants and fluoride varnishes but more high quality research is neeeded.

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Fixed orthodontic appliances: What is the most effective debonding technique?


This review of different methods for reducing pain and discomfort during removal of fixed orthodontic appliances included 6 RCTs providing weak evidence for pre-debonding analgesia and other approaches.

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Fluoride for white spot lesion prevention during orthodontic treatment

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This review of professional topical fluoride application to prevent/reverse enamel white spot lesions during orthdontic treatment included 11 RCTs suggesting a reduction of in incidence of between 25–30% .

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Aligners v fixed appliances for orthodontic treatment


8 mainly observational studies were included in this review of he effectiveness of clear aligners compared with fixed appliances for orthodontic treatment. The findings suggest no difference between to two approaches however the quality of the availabel evidence is low to very low.

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Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance had no impact on clinical attachment level

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This review of the impact of fixed appliance orthodontic treatment on clinical attachment levels included 9 small prospective studies finding no no clinically relevant detrimental effect. However the overall level of evidence is low to very low.

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Fixed appliance orthodontics: extraction or non-extraction and soft tissue changes


52 studies were identified for this review of the effect of extraction or non-extraction fixed orthodontic treatment of soft tissue profiles . However they were mainly poor quality retrospective studies providing very low quality evidence suggesting that tooth extractions might be associated with differences in the soft tissue profile compared to non-extraction treatment.

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Clear aligners: little evidence available to support their effectiveness

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This review of clear aligners for orthodontic treatment only identified 4 small studies of limited quality providing little evidence to support their effectiveness.

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Lingual fixed orthodontic appliances: insufficient evidence of effectiveness


11 studies were identified for this review of lingual fixed orthodontic appliances. while some benefits were suggested the quality of the available studies was very low providing insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of lingual appliances.

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Post-orthodontic white spot lesions – lack of reliable evidence for management strategies


Only 8 studies at high risk of bias were available for this review of treatments for post orthodontic white spot lesions (WSLs) . They provide little reliable evidence to support remineralising or camouflaging strategies to manage WSLs.

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