Plaque accumulation with clear aligners and fixed orthodontic appliances


This review comparing plaque accumulation in orthodontic patients undergoing clear aligner (CA) and conventional fixed appliance treatment included 14 studies. The findings suggested less plaque accumulation with CA but all the included studies were at moderate to high risk of bias.

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High-fluoride toothpaste or high fluoride mouthrinse to prevent white spot lesions in adolescent orthodontic patients – trial

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270 pateints were randomised in this trial to compare high-fluoride toothpaste and high-fluoride mouth rinse for preventing white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment. The findings suggest a benefit for high fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouth rinse in preventing white spot lesions.

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Manual v powered toothbrushing in adolescent orthodontic patients – trial


The aim of this randomised trial was to compare the efficacy of a powered versus manual toothbrush in controlling plaque and gingival health in participants undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment in respect of both the short term and long term. The findings showed no differences between the brush types at any time points ( 1, 6 or 12 months).

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Fluoride varnish for prevention of white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment


This review evaluating the preventive effect of regular applications of fluoride varnish (FV) on the development of white spot lesions (WSL) during orthodontic treatment included 7 RCTs. Meta-analyses demonstrated a reduction in the risk of WSL with regular FV applications but the certainty of evidence was very low.

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Chewing gum for pain during and after orthodontic appliance installation


This review of the efficacy of chewing gum in reducing pain intensity in patients undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment included 16 RCTs. The findings suggest , chewing gum was significantly more effective than both pharmacologic agents and placebo in reducing orthodontic pain 24 hours. However the evidence is of very low certainty.

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Clear aligners v fixed appliances for periodontal health


This review of periodontal health maintenance and gingival recessions development in patients undergoing an orthodontic treatment with clear aligners (CA) or fixed appliances (FA) included 12 studies. The limited amount and quality of evidence was insufficient to assess whether CA were bettern than FA at maintaining periodontal health.

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Enamel demineralisation during multi-bracketed fixed orthodontic treatment

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This overview of systematic reviews of evidence for the prevention of enamel demineralization during fixed appliance orthodontic treatment included 29 reviews. Most of the reviews were considered to have methodological issues with the findings suggesting that professional fluorides, sealants, reminders, and lasers might be useful interventions to prevent enamel demineralization.

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Tooth crowding in children: Which orthodontic intervention?


This Cochrane review of the effects of orthodontic interventions for preventing or correcting crowded teeth in children included 24 RCTs. A wide range of interventions were assessed typically is small single studies so the available evidence is of very low certainty.

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Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances – How long does it take?

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This review of the the treatment duration required to achieve whole-arch alignment of the mandibular dentition using fixed appliances included 35 RCTs. The pooled duration for whole-arch alignment in the mandible was 263.0 days/8.8 months (95%CI: 6.2 to11.3 months). Mandibular incisor alignment was achieved in 100.7 days/3.4 months (95%CI: 2.8 to 3.9 months).

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Pulp necrosis: Is it induced by orthodontic tooth movement?


This review evaluating the evidence to support the possibility that orthodontic tooth movements could induce pulp necrosis included 12 studies. While the findings indicate there is evidence that these treatments do not induce pulp necrosis it has low to very low quality.

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